SYC Board of Directors
If you would like more information, fill out a brief message to the applicable officer below.  
We may also be reached by telephone (707) 429-0284.

Willie Towner


​The Board of Directors actively support the club’s operations, its financial stability, and plans for the future.
Please contact the Commodore concerning the operations of the club.

Vice Commodore:
Norma Jaime

Not only the alternate for the Commodore, our VC has direct control of the club’s lounge. Please direct any questions regarding the bar lounge to the Vice Commodore.

Rear Commodore:
Jay Shoup

Not only the alternate for the Commodore, our RC has direct control of the club’s galley Please direct any questions regarding the galley to the Reart Commodore.

Fleet Secretary:
Pam Lyons


Fleet Treasurer:
Richard Saenz


Membership Capt.:
Parris Fast


Liaison Officer:
Paul Carroll


Fleet Captain:
Lisa Rodrigues


Port Captain:
Gary Miles


Social Director:
Kim Dorcik


Past Commodore:
Mike Johnson